Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sales 101

How important am I, really? To be honest about it, I'm very important. Remarkably important. I am certainly more important that everyone gives me credit for. I labor along, achieving great things, spreading my particular brand of joy and warmth and amazingness wherever I go, only to find that these efforts are consistently overlooked. They are willfully ignored by some of the truly egotistical and self-centered people out there. I should get an award every day -- a big reward -- for everything that I do.

Important: Having, or acting as if having, power, authority, influence, high position, etc.

For most of my tortured, spotty work life I have earned my living as a salesman. For many years I adorned my business cards with flowery euphemisms. I was an Account Manager or a Territory Manager, despite the fact that I couldn't manage my own life. I was a Sales Engineer, even though I have no educational or work experience in engineering and couldn't engineer my way out of a wet paper bag. I'm sure I fooled everyone. Some dude shows up at the front door with sales brochures, dressed like a salesman, and launches into a sales pitch -- who would think this dude is a salesman?

Life isn't that complicated. Most of us live quiet lives out of the spotlight. We should try to accept this. We should fill our time with small kindnesses and tender mercies. We are lucky to be where we are. We are lucky that we haven't gotten what we really deserve.

Actually, I like being a salesman. It allows me to goof off pretty much of the time.

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