Friday, September 19, 2014

Of Kliegs and Craws and Some of my Other Favorite Things

And the Darker Side of my reading of The Bible!! is this:  first of all, let me address this issue: you knew there was going to be a Darker Side, didn't you?  I'm ALL Darker Side All of the time, this is my problem.  I should buy some klieg lights, some halogen arc lamps and shine a lot of light on all this darkness, is what I should do.  

By the way isn't "Klieg" a great word?

Let's see, what was talking about again?  Oh, yeah, The Bible!!  One of the things that really sticks in my craw about great religious books of any faith or religion is that there are inevitably a bunch of people who think they have some special, deep insight on these books and they fall all over themselves telling everyone else what these special, deep insights are.  Irritating enough, to be sure, but then they insist that these insights, or opinions, are facts, and that everyone has to believe them.  Well, okay, some of the stuff IS pretty obvious but some of the stuff has a lot of nuance, and sometimes certain things are really emphasized and some things are completely overlooked.

Just a minute.  Isn't "craw" a great word, too?

Craw: a math rock band from Cleveland, Ohio
Craw: (surname), a surname (includes list)
Crop: (anatomy), or craw, an anatomical structure
CRAW: (organization), the Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research
CRAW: (industrial certification), a Certified Robotic Arc Welder, per the American Welding Society (A.W.S.)
And a pretty wide-ranging word as well.

The point is, should you care to keep reading to find out if there is indeed a point, is that I have already stumbled over a few prohibited things that these blowhards talk about ALL of the time and I've also stumbled over a few more prohibited things that I NEVER hear the blowhards mention, ever.  Makes me suspicious that the blowhards are kind of picking and choosing what's okay and what isn't.

So I have found myself reading the book not just to see what's there but also to pick up some facts should I ever find myself arguing the finer points of the book with one of these blowhards, which I almost certainly will never do.  This is not a valid reason to read a book that has tons of really good stuff in it.

I seem to find a way to mess up about everything.

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