Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Good Game Plan

Moderation:  A moderating, or bringing within bounds; avoidance of excesses or extremes; absence of violence; calmness.  

How about this for a game plan for today . . . 

I'm not a piece of garbage and I'm not the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, although from time to time, with disturbing frequency, I think that I'm one or the other.  One of my many, many pejorative nicknames over the years has been All or Nothing Seaweed.  Not that any one ever called me that; it's more like a nickname that I just made up.  I've been hoping for a nickname more along the lines of Serenity Seaweed or Soothing Serenity Seaweed but I'm not having much luck in that department, seeing as I'm not often serene and am rarely soothing.

I try to think of myself as important but not indispensable.  I'm a tiny, tiny part of a large, complicated piece of machinery and my goal should be to help the machine run smoothly today.  I do my job, helping the other tiny but important parts to do theirs.  I try to make myself better and this seems to make some of the other parts better, too.

I believe that every character defect that I possessed when I came into The Program I still have today.  The good thing is that the heat under most of them has been turned down; they're still on the stove but they're only simmering.   Every now and then I turn the heat up to Max Power and scald a pot or two to keep things interesting but mostly they're lurking in the background, like evil little cousins.

I don't know what I'm talking about, either.

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