Tuesday, September 14, 2021

When I Talk to God I Know He Understands . . .

 "When you call on God in prayer to help you overcome weakness, sorrow, pain, discord, and conflict God never fails in some way to answer the appeal.  When you are in need of strength for yourself or for the help of some other person, call on God in prayer.  The power you need will come simply, naturally, and forcefully.  It will raise the quality of thought and word and bring order out of chaos."

As I go through the angst of physical discomfort - really one of the only things that frightens me at all - I'm struck by how poor a job I do reaching out to my Higher Power when I'm uncertain of the answer or - better yet - I'm afraid that the answer will not be what I want.  I pray every day and I try to pray mindfully, paying attention to the words I'm saying, letting the deeper meaning sink in but when I need some immediate relief the idea of praying for it vanishes like fog in the sun.  I don't want to hear what God has to say when it doesn't coincide with what I want.

"When I talked to God,
I knew He'd understand.
He said: 'Stick by Me,
I'll be your guiding hand.' "

"But don't ask me what I think of you,
I might not give the answer that you want me to."     Fleetwood Mac

Now, granted, the second verse was probably directed to a lover who had jilted the singer rather than the voice of God talking to someone praying but I like the idea of being ready for whatever answer comes.  Personally, I'd rather know.  If my wife is pissed at me I always encourage her to let it rip, a decision I regret sometimes.  I'm going to bend all credulity and say this is what God is saying to me when He's frustrated.  He doesn't yell it or anything but . . . for instance . . . if I act like a jerk around SuperK and she gets mad at me then I shouldn't spend a lot of timing asking her what the problem is.  I know what the problem is.  I don't need to get a clearer answer.  One question is enough.

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