Saturday, December 3, 2011


Quiet:  Still; calm; motionless.

I have always had a Quiet Time in the morning.  By "quiet" I mean "in a quiet location," not "my mind is quiet."  I try.  I put the time in.  I give it a shot.  I seem to feel better as time marches on even when the actual practice sessions don't seem too fruitful.

I used to mostly pray and meditate a little.  I've reversed the percentages over the years because my praying has been suspect.  I pray at god; I pray that I may get what I want or avoid what I would like to avoid; I pray that others may be helped as I believe they should be helped.  My prayers are always answered although I don't always like what the answer is.

Today I pray for a couple of simple things.

I pray that I be the best son, brother, and husband that I can be.  This isn't always easy or intuitive.  I have some irritating relatives who don't do it right but I've learned that doesn't have anything to do with me.  Me has a lot to do with me, and that's about it.

I pray that I may be of maximum service in the world, to my fellows.  I try to be open about exactly what this service entails.  I like to help people according to my own designs.  I like to help AT people, not FOR them.
"Here," I say.  "Let me help you with that," offering help that isn't wanted or isn't appropriate for the situation.

That's good enough for me.

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