Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Checking In.

Checking in with the Minor Buddha this morning I heard this: "You can't make radical changes in the pattern of your life until you begin to see yourself exactly as you are now.  As soon as you do that, changes flow naturally."

Scholars agree that Buddhism got rolling in the 5th or 6th century, more or less.  B.C., that is; not A.D.  That would make Buddhism about . . . let's see . . . subtract the two, carry the sum of all of your defects plus any current resentments,  divide by Pi . . . well, that would make it really old.  Slightly older than The Program.  And what did I find in this ancient philosophy?  Until I do a searching and thorough personal inventory I don't have a very good chance of growing as a person.

I love how our literature is always trying to get the focus off of "them" and back to "me."  Keep looking inside.  Keep searching for the solution to all of my problems inside me.

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