Monday, December 5, 2011


Productive:  Producing abundantly; fertile.

So the frustrating thing about the Quiet Time is that it doesn't seem to be especially productive.  I don't feel like I'm getting anything done.  I'm not going anywhere; I'm not checking tasks off a master list; I'm not moving about forcefully and with great purpose.  I'm JUST SITTING THERE with my eyes closed listening to my %#!! breath.

I'm all about getting something productive done.  When someone asks: "What did you do today?" I feel like I should have a weighty list of impressive accomplishments.  "Sat down for a while in a quiet place, with my eyes closed, and tried to listen to my breath," doesn't sound impressive, weighty, or accomplished.

Compulsion:  In psychopathology, an irresistible impulse to perform some irrational act.  Good word: psychopathology.  It combines psycho, which is how people used to describe me and my behavior, and pathology, a sickness of some kind.  Literally, a sickness of the mind.

It's OK to be productive and it's OK to sit and watch Oklahoma - Oklahoma State play a football game, even if you don't particularly like football and couldn't locate Oklahoma on a map of the United States and have no interest in who wins the game, even though everyone hates Oklahoma.

The idea is to be somewhat productive most of the time, not completely productive all of the time.

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