Saturday, July 17, 2021

It's Fine

"We gradually begin to get a peace of mind and serenity which we never thought were possible.  This peace of mind is based on a feeling that fundamentally all is well.  That does not mean that all is well on the surface of things.  Little things can keep going wrong and big things can keep on upsetting us.  But deep down in our hearts we know that everything is eventually going to be all right."

First of all, I'm not especially comfortable with the concept of "big" and "little."  I can extrapolate - little is probably not being able to get the lid off my peanut jar and big is probably finding out I have a flesh-eating disease.  Still, there should be a list somewhere that we can access to see whether or not our upset is justified or not.  "Surface" is a tricky concept, too, as is "fundamentally."  I digress - the point here is that everything is going to be all right . . . in the long haul, in the Big Scheme of Things . . . . eventually.

Eventually:  In the end;  at some later time, especially after a long time, a series of problems, delays, struggles or setbacks.  (Ed. Note: Whew.)
Fundamentally:  Reaching the very core or essence of the matter.

"It has been said that we should 'wear the world like a loose garment.'  That means that nothing should seriously upset us because we have a deep, abiding faith that God will always take care of us.  To us that means not to be too upset by the surface wrongness of things, but to feel deeply secure in the fundamental goodness and purpose in the universe."

"Loose garment."  I'm more of a spandex guy.  I have a Kung Fu grip.  When I get my claws into something I'm not inclined to let it go, even if it's a poisonous snake or an angry boss.  Of course, the point here again is that I need to relax.  I need to remember that what is upsetting me today will be meaningless soon.  It will be handled.  I won't remember it in the future.

A friend sent me a short video clip called "Angry IKEA Guy."  This guy was a part time worker at IKEA who riffed on 15 or 20 dumb things that people say to him all the time.  The one that made me laugh was "Every time I come here my order gets messed up."  Angry IKEA Guy wants to say: "Then what are you doing here?  Go somewhere else.  Are you waiting for me to call you an Uber?  LOOK INWARD!"

I like that reminder to Look Inward.  I like to remember that the world is fine and that I can't change the world.  If there's a problem then the problem is me because I'm the only one that can fix the problem, either by stopping doing what I'm doing or beginning to do something that I should be doing.  You're fine.  Keep on doing what you're doing.  It's fine.


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