Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Infuriation

Infuriate:  To make furious or mad with anger; to enrage.

The inspection report came back and The Inspector found some problems that Need To Be Fixed!  Right Away!!  Or Else!!!  This was not a surprise but it still managed to infuriate me.  I was all teed up to be infuriated anyway and the infuriation was instant and covered many levels and degrees of nuance.  I was infuriated in ways that I expected and in some that came as a bit of a surprise.  The intensity of the infuriation always surprises me even though I have a long history of being infuriated.  Today I explored infuriation in depth, in tone, and in timbre.

Luckily The Report came back late on a Saturday which annoyed me in its own right.  Any action items that need to be addressed will require outside expertise, people who won't be available until the work week begins, providing me with plenty of stewing-in-my-own-juices time, should I decide to make good use of this time which I almost certainly will.  I'm not going to waste a good opportunity to be angry.  Such opportunities are precious and deserve to be suckled.

The things that The Inspector wants addressed were news to me and the things I was sure he'd address were left unspoken   So much for projecting how to respond to things that ended up requiring no response.  Another example of an excellent use of my time handling future events that don't come to pass.  This is why I try not to live in the future.  I suck at it.

When I'm jazzed up I've learned to keep my fricking mouth shut.  Angry action is bad action which leads to poor results.  I did speak frankly with my real estate agent to get the stuff off of my chest with someone who's on my side - she's a friend - and was amazed and amused at how insane the stuff sounded coming out of my mouth.  I'm glad I didn't have the chance to speak them to others.  The stuff sounded terrible and ridiculous and infantile.   

I find that a lot of things resolve themselves all by themselves, without my meddling and fiddling around with them.  Things fall into place, solutions present themselves, intuitive thoughts bubble to the surface.

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us."

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