Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Seawinds of Change

As a guy who is fascinated by change I wonder why it is that I hate change so much.  I crave it as much as I fear it.  And I wonder why it is that I assume that any change is going to be for the worse.  I almost never visualize things getting better when I'm in the midst of change - I see disaster, calamity, pestilence  bewilderment.  But if I'm looking at long-term change then I can hallucinate up all kinds of wonderful scenarios.  

I wonder why I expect bad things to happen and grow deeply suspicious when I'm in the midst of good things.  When something bad happens - and by "bad" I mean "I didn't get exactly what I wanted exactly when I wanted it" - I shake my head knowingly.  "See," I think.  "I knew this wasn't going to work out."  But when it's something pleasant to my mind or body, I feel guilty.  "Why is this happening?"  I think.  "I don't deserve this.  It's going to turn to shit."

This is why I talk to drunks every day.  I have very little concept of human reality.

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