Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Really Peevish Seaweed

I was stuck in close quarters recently with some people who irk me.  They have irked me consistently with very few periods of irk-free time.  When I'm going to be in these situations I try to prepare myself emotionally, mentally, spiritually.  I ask to be of service; I acknowledge all of the benefits this spiritual program gives me; I freely allow that few are as irksome as me; I remember that everyone has personality problems that irk others - and still I act like an ass eventually.  Some days I last longer than others but Peevish Seaweed comes out, inappropriately, and I feel bad about it.  

Yesterday, as my peevishness was near full boil I got a call from Willie.  I was trapped in a vehicle with the irksome folks so I couldn't answer the call and say things like: "Willie, you can't believe how irksome these people are.  I'm contemplating acts that will get me incarcerated from 3 to 5 years."  I looked at the name on my caller ID and laughed.  I felt better for a couple of minutes before resuming my rampage.

With some people I can't seem to ever do it right.  Whatever I do is going to cost me, whether I'm doing it wrong or not. Things seem to get twisted around until I'm the bad guy.  I lost my temper with someone who said my address made me a snob; this after warning me to stay out of the neighborhood because it wasn't safe.  ``````````````````````````````````` Family can be tough this way - most of us find it unpractical to just totally blow family members off even though they may be behaving in a way that we wouldn't tolerate with anyone else.  That's a fact of life - the relationships that are the most important to us can be the most problematic.

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