Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fibonacci Sequence

I have come to believe . . . no, embrace . . . that I have no fucking idea how anyone else should live their life.  I believe we're all geared for and prepped for and intuitively/intrinsically suited for all manner of stuff.  It sounds childish to me to have to say that but I've really gained a great understanding at how varied people are and how I have no clue what's best for anyone.  One of my great A.A. truths is that I never give advice, ever, even when someone asks for my advice because really what they want is for me to validate whatever they're doing.  I tell people what I did; I ask them questions that might help them gain new insights into their motivations; I can quote A.A. literature and provide info in some of the spiritual texts I've read; and then I end the discussion with some form of "I'm sure you'll figure it out"  or maybe "I can't wait to see what happens."  Why am I suited to marriage?  Fuck if I know.  Do I regret not having children?  Only in the most peripheral, abstract way.  Should I have finished optometry school?  Do.  Not.  Know.  

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