Saturday, September 23, 2023

Seaweed's Guidance

 "Most difficult, too, will be the admission that we cannot be certain of receiving God's guidance because our prayers are so cluttered with wishful thinking.  Surely this is the point at which we must seek the counsel of our finest friends.  There is nowhere else to go.  Of course we cannot wholly rely on friends to solve all our difficulties.  A good adviser will never do all our thinking for us.  He knows that each final choice must be ours."  Bill W

We are engaged in an ongoing search for the countless self-deceptions that rule (and sometimes wreck) our lives.  You can't bullshit a bullshitter . . . unless you're the bullshitter.

If we learn to sit with our anger awhile until we are calmer and more rational, we can avoid shameful, regretful results.  If you want to do something stupid then act when you're pissed off.  I guarantee success.

I'm really grooving on the idea that I'm responsible for most of what happens to me but, boy, is it easier to blame something on the outside.

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