Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Surrender To Win

Fight:  To try to overpower; to fiercely counteract
Surrender:  To give up into the power, control, or possession of another.  (Ed. Note: Think Higher Power here.)

I hope my recent musings - a lot of them triggered by observations and reflections of the current pandemic - haven't come across as political.  If so, I apologize, as that's not my intent.  I have no idea what's best for me most of the time so I certainly can't predict what the best course of action for an entire society should be.  However, my experience in recovery has been that if I try to migrate from the Real World back into the Recovery World then everything is just fine . . . .  I solve problems - I don't create them or aggravate them or concentrate on them

Anyway, there are a fair number of us who don't like the way things are playing out as we try to fight the virus as a society.  Fair enough.  I'm not thrilled with everything, either.  But in Recovery World I perceive that my choices are awfully limited.  I can voice my opinion, understanding that if I do so I risk conflict.  I can not say a word and risk having my opinions overwhelmed by people angrier than me who are screaming invective at the top of their lungs.  Engage but detach.

Engage:  To interact socially; to interact antagonistically.  (Ed. Note: Interesting how the transitive versions of this verb are sorted by the dictionary people into two very different categories.)
Detach: To disengage.  (Ed. Note: HaHa, that's pretty funny.  The exact opposite of engage.)

There are no instances, in my experience, of famous, inspirational coaches.  rallying the troops to pull off an impossible last minute comeback by shouting: "OK, guys, c'mon, get out there and surrender!!"

Do: To perform; to execute.
Be: To exist; to have real existence.  (Ed. Note: Man, this shit is great.  I'm amusing the hell out of myself this morning.) 

I am in this constant struggle to learn how to simply Be.  I can Do.  Oh, I can Do, alright.  All motion is easier than sitting calmly even if it's stupid motion.  It can be uncomfortable sitting with oneself so why not get up and move!  I'm not saying moving isn't good but that sitting, being has a lot going for it, too.

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