Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I'm STILL Cold

Some suggestions for my gravestone . . . because I'm going to die soon.  I'm dying, at least.  I'm probably pretty sick but totally asymptomatic so, while I don't feel bad right now, I'm going to be in a lot of pain soon.  There's no cure to whatever I have.  No one will help me.  I'll die alone, bereft, inconsolable, no one to wipe the sweat from my soggy brow.  I'm just sayin'.

I Told You I Was Sick.
Get Away From Me.
Get OFF of Me!
What Are You Looking At?
So . . . It Comes to This?

Abe Simpson, Homer's father, was consigned to Hell in one episode.  He's sitting there, barely visible for all of the flames:" I'm STILL cold."  I can dig it.

I have no regrets about how I've lived my life.  Not one.  I wouldn't change a single thing.  I like who I am today and believe that I had to go through every thing I went through to become this person.  That doesn't mean I always behaved well or that I wish that my actions hadn't hurt other people or myself.  I'm not faultless but I'm also not flawless.  I learned how to be compassionate by hurting people and seeing their reaction and feeling crappy about it.  I learned to be grateful for my work life and for my relationships and for my family by fucking things up from time to time.

Pray for patience and god puts you in long lines.  Pray for tolerance and god puts you around people you find intolerable.  Pray for understanding and god baffles you.


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