Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Buzzing Brain

I love how easily recovery phrases and concepts and quotes from our literature roll off my silky-smooth lying lips when things are going my way.  A spiritual giant when I'm getting what I want and avoiding what I'd like to avoid.  I sweep emotional messes under the Rug of Denial.

Ed Note:  I have been on the Nile River in Egypt and found it to be a perfectly lovely river, very undeserving of being lumped in with some toss-off recovery shit-phrase.  De Nile isn't a river in Egypt, my ass.

Anyway, I'm powerless over the Corona Virus.  I've been in self-isolation for about three weeks and I don't want to be in self-isolation except when I don't want anyone else around me.  As that's most of the time one would think that this isn't as hard on me and one would be more right than wrong. Nonetheless, if I want to go out then I want to go out.  I should be able to go out.  This virus is not very considerate.  This virus is not saying: "Hmmm.  Wonder what Seaweed wants to do?"

I wish I had thought of the concept of self-isolation before I had to self-isolate against my will.  It would be great to be sitting on my patio when some annoying, unwelcome person strolls by and opens his mouth to say something and I could yell: "Self-isolating!  Self-isolating!"  How cool would that be?  Maybe I could pretend I'm the Corona Virus and how long before some prog-rock hipster band calls itself The Corona Virus.  Posers.

Very weird to have an invisible enemy lurking in the bushes.  I find myself looking at other early morning walkers with suspicion as I ease out into the street, giving them a wide berth, wondering if they're a carrier.  When this is over I'm going to be curious to see what the new normal is going to be.  How quickly will people shake hands and congregate in restaurants?

I feel a low-grade buzz of anxiety humming up in a dark corner of my mind.


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