Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Pre-Dither, Unnecessarily

I love to travel but I can sure get myself all worked up about it.  As you might imagine, I don't tend to visualize pleasant outcomes when I manage to think about the outcome at all.  I'm usually so obsessed with the steps leading up to the outcome - all of them buried under layers of difficulty and chaos - that I can't even get to the outcome itself.  This is a pity because the outcome is often pleasant.

I worry about my stuff when I'm gone and I worry about the getting to the place and of course I worry about the place itself.  I'm sure that my car won't start when I get back or something will break or leak or gush or catch on fire.  Something blowing up is not out of the realm of possibility, and then catching fire of course.  I'm always getting cheated or robbed or swindled when I arrive and the weather is bad and the hotel sucks.

None of this ever happens, unfortunately.

A few days ago I decided to verify the seats that I had pre-selected and paid extra for on the flight were still the same ones I had pre-selected.  I figured the dastardly airline was going to pull the old switcheroo.  I got the seat numbers and I googled up a seat configuration of the aircraft we were going to be flying on and found that the seats had been changed!  I had two really nice exit row seats and the goddam things we know had were in the middle of a row in the back of a plane, probably in the bathroom and with two screaming babies pre-inserted on either side of us.

I fussed and stormed and moaned about this before noticing that I had googled up the seat configuration of the correct plane of another airline, who used a different numerical configuration.  When I found the airplane flown by the airline that I was actually booked on, I saw everything was fine.  The dastardly airline, although destined to bedevil me, had not yet done so.  They normally wait until they have you firmly in their clutches before screwing with your serenity.

I figure I spent a half an hour worrying about this, for no good reason.  I was excited about getting screwed that I pre-screwed myself into a dither and a tizzy. 

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