Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Possess:  To have as belonging to one; own.

We took a few more bags of stuff to Goodwill this week and we listed a few more large items for sale.  It amazes me that my tiny apartment continues to disgorge more ejectables.  I think there's some kind of fusion process going on in here.  The junk is creating more junk.  I haven't missed anything yet except for a cheese grater that I'm not entirely sure I ever owned.  I miss the concept of some of the things I've gotten rid of, the memory, the impression of those things.  Some of them were nice and obviously my identity is still tied up with them.

Here's the flip side - I value the things I possess a lot more.  I enjoy them.  There aren't so many of them that I can't keep track of them all.  It's a manageable pile of things.

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