Monday, April 30, 2012


Isolate:  In medicine, to place (a patient with a contagious disease) apart from others to prevent the spread of infection.

One thing that I try to do is get out among people.  As an introvert who likes to isolate and generally hates people I'm not suggesting  actually interacting with these people -- more along the lines of being where other people are so that I can watch them and secretly criticize everything about them including, but not limited to, their appearance, behavior, and general social etiquette.  Kind of a constructive criticism, as it were.

I like to sit someplace quietly with a good view of the natives but hopefully hidden myself -- shades are a de rigeuer addition -- have a cup of coffee and watch the world swirl on by.  It's interesting what you can see and learn.  I try to limit my electronic screen interaction as well - which dates me, of course -- because I think my mind needs some time to drift and wander around on its own.   I need some time for some productive thinking.  I know that sounds like a contradiction in terms - we aren't generally thrilled with too much thinking in the recovery world, preferring the meat and bones of actual action -- but it isn't always a bad thing when practiced in moderation.  It's the isolating while thinking which complicates everything.

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