Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Little Man is an Idiot

Wisdom: The quality of being wise; the power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc;  good judgment.

Knowledge:  Acquaintance with facts; range of information, awareness, or understanding.

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us."

Here's what I see in The Rooms: a collection of tremendous talent.  Seriously.  The average drunk/addict is talented, clever, smart, and charming.  We stagger in and begin to listen to other people and we read the books and we collect the knowledge.  All well and good.  Problems arise when we fail to execute this knowledge or worse yet, execute it poorly.  We consume the knowledge, then skulk off and think think think about it by ourselves, applying a twisted filter of alcoholic reasoning until we justify some bizarre course of action that only makes good sense to someone who is used to living in an alternate reality.

I'm in the midst of dealing with a situation that I have researched heavily.  I am heavily armed with facts, yet I have no idea what to do.  I vacillate wildly from extreme to extreme.  Things that made a lot of sense yesterday seem ridiculous today, and I'm guessing I'll be scratching my head tomorrow, wondering what the hell I was thinking when I discarded my first plan.

Very frustrating for this methodical, logical, diligent German peasant.  I figure if I do the research then I'll make the "right" decision.  Now, mind you, I'm not scoffing at the research, just my belief that this will make things become crystal clear.  Sometimes in my sobriety I have to go with my gut.

One of my favorite scenes from Seinfeld is an exchange between George, who is conflicted about a decision he has to make, and Kramer, who is dispensing counsel:
K: "What does your little man say?  You HAVE to listen to your little man."
G: (hesitating) "My little man doesn't know."
K: "Listen to your little man, George!"
G: (disgustedly) "Ah, my little man is an idiot."

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