Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Shuffling Off This Mortal Coil

  Relaxed:  Free from tension and anxiety; at ease.

Whoa, those are bullshit words, man, and not in my lexicon.  You'd think that this would be internalized into my machinery after 65 years shuffling around this mortal coil but it's never easier for me to go slowly, quietly into the night.  I have been applying tension to my person for my entire life and while I've learned over the years - through diligent, exhausting practice - how to torque the tension down a great deal it's still a big part of my make-up.  The status quo is meant to be pulverized is how I see things.

So I get a lot done.  I do a lot of things.  That's great if I could let it be but there's always more to be done and this attitude can lead to frustration at the end of the day.  In my work life I looked at a lot of machinery with a lot of moving parts.  The designers were always trying to balance tension with life span - the more tension that they applied the more power and speed the machine could deliver but the more tension placed on the equipment would lead to shit breaking.  It was fascinating looking at some of these systems, marveling at the violence of the operations.  I'd watch, expecting something to break every time a big piece of metal would index.  Fascinating stuff and I'll tell you I keep my hands and feet and face way the hell out of the way.  I was quite careful about moving through those environments.

So this is inside my head.  Big pieces of metal clanging together at high speed.

More, more, more!!

"Shuffling off this mortal coil" is from Hamlet should you be interested.  I looked this up after hearing it in an episode of Bosch, if you can believe that.  And Bosch's first name is Hieronymus or Harry for short.  Look up some of that dude's paintings if you want to see how an apocalyptic mind works.

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