Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dynamic Seaweed

 Energy:  Dynamic Quality.

I find myself returning again and again to the idea of an energy force or feeling that I sense coming from people I'm in contact with.  I believe that the years I've spent meditating and trying to see a greater purpose in the universe has slowly, slowly, slowly given me insight into other people.  I notice a lot more quickly than I used to whether someone gives off a good vibe or a negative vibe.  I believe I can size someone up in short order.  Maybe most people can do this normally, I dunno, but I sure couldn't before I began my spiritual journey.  I was either astoundingly easily to bullshit or I chose to ignore the bullshit some people were flinging around.  But no more.  There are people I'm drawn to, people that I want to interact with, and there are people I hope spend their time away from me.  Life can be challenging enough without being dragged down by people that are at war with the world.

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