Wednesday, February 24, 2021

For Our Topic This Morning . . . How About Me?

 What would I write about this morning?  Me?  Sure.  

While I write things down all over the place - notebooks, journals, electronica - I've been concentrating on keeping a daily calendar of my bitches and grievances as we move through the CoVid shitstorm.  It has been a challenging time for most of us and I have not been excluded from the challenge.  Really, though, it hasn't been that challenging and it hasn't been as challenging for me as it has for many people.  My main challenge is dealing with the fact that I don't get to do exactly what I want to do exactly when I want to do it.  

As Monty Python would say: "And now for something completely different."  I've been doing things differently.  That's not always a bad thing.   I'm curious as to how I'm going to look back on this time.   Hopefully it won't seem as bad as I'm making it and hopefully I'll see that I've grown by having this opportunity to stretch my wings.

"Acceptance is the Answer" was the Big Book reading this morning.  Some tidbits gleaned from some of the shares . .. 

My thinking brought me here.  I need a new way of thinking.  I need to change the way I think.

Life keeps getting simpler and easier as we manage to change our way of thinking.  This was not apparent at the start.  My life was appearing to get much harder.  How little did I know.

I need to change my internal world and when I do the external world takes care of itself.  I need to leave the external world alone.  The external world is none of my business.

Not taking a drink is going to be the most important thing I do today.

One member shared this classic: "I interpreted 'sober' as meaning 'not drunk.' 

Only in A.A. 

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