Friday, October 11, 2019

What I Got

From: "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari . . . 

"We moderns have an arsenal of tranquilizers and painkillers at our disposal, but our expectations of ease and pleasure, and our intolerance of inconvenience and discomfort, have increased to such an extent that we may well suffer from pain more than our ancestors ever did."

I need to remember this the next time I think that things used to be better than they are now.  Things are fine right now.  Things were different before, that's all.  This here today is what I've got.  What I don't got is what I used to have.

They say that money don't buy everything, 
But what it can't buy I don't need, 
I need . . . money,
That's what I need.

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