Wednesday, May 23, 2018

In The Mud Again

I think I already wrote about what I'm going to write about today.  This would mean I'm re-writing something that has previously been written.  By me.  I guess I could find out if I've already written it by going back and reading what I've already written but I'm not going to do that.  If I can't remember writing it I'm going to assume you won't remember reading it.

My Higher Power has a sense of humor that is quite tricky and nuanced and not to be fucked with.  My Higher Power seems to enjoy his own sense of humor although it comes at my expense a little too often for my liking.  It's kind of like being laughed at when you've fallen in some mud that you shouldn't have been walking in.

"OK, fair enough," you think, this IS pretty funny, all the while stewing that someone is laughing at your expense.

Humor:  The quality of being amusing, comical, funny.

I know I've written extensively about my belief that I don't learn very many things unless I'm subjected to a trial AND a tribulation.  One would be bad enough but the two in concert pack a punch.

Trial:  A difficult or annoying experience.
Tribulation:  Any adversary; a trying period or event.

So I've been working The Steps on my mildly pathological fear of injury and aging, trying but failing not to blame my mother for this pathology.  I've wondered if perhaps my Higher Power can't just lift these tendencies out of me, magical-like, without me having to do any work or suffer any discomfort.  I call this the Magic Fairy Effect where a sprite or a nymph sprinkles some magic dust on me and Voila! I'm healed.

Boy, does it ever not work like that.

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