Tuesday, April 17, 2018

This Is Really Not Fair

Agog:  (Chiefly of eyes) Wide open; in a state of high anticipation, excitement, or interest.

Several years ago I told SuperK that I had recently learned that people began to feel more aches and pains as they got older.   I was under the impression that you just got slower.  Lost a step.  Your 40 yard dash times went down and you weren't quite as good in man-to-man coverage.  I honestly, no-shit did not even consider the possibility that there was physical discomfort involved.

Agog is the word that comes to mind when I recall the look on her face.

"You are unbelievable," she said.

"How did I get stuck with you?"  she said, much more recently, recalling the conversation.  "You are a weirdo."

In one of my favorite episodes from Seinfeld the loser character George is brainstorming with Jerry about possible career paths to replace the job he just lost.  He's coming up with ridiculous options like talk show host or sports broadcaster, reminding Jerry that he always makes great comments when they're watching a game together.

Jerry says: "Yeah, you make great comments  . . . but normally they give those jobs to ex-ball players or people in . . . you know . . . broadcasting."

George stares at Jerry for a couple of beats: "Well, that's really not fair."

Yes.  Yes.  This Is Really Not Fair would look great on my headstone.

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