Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Shake My Booty

Teach:          To show (someone) the way; to pass on knowledge to.
Lesson:        Something that serves as a warning or encouragement. (Ed. Note: My, that covers                        each end of the spectrum).
Surrender:  To give up into the power, control, or possession of another.

I still can't figure out what the lesson is.  Maybe the lesson is to quit trying to figure out what the fucking lesson is.  

Maybe it's that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

One of the troubles plaguing people like me is that we're used to applying ourselves systematically in an effort to accomplish something, and frequently accomplishing it. This can be a good thing and it can be a curse.  I'm the guy lying at the base of a brick wall, bloodied and unconscious, because I couldn't admit that my plan of busting through to the other side by ramming my head into the wall, repeatedly and with great force, wasn't a very good plan.

"But it's my plan!" I wail in protest.  "I thought it up all by myself.  It'll work if I just stick to it!"

Maybe the lesson is that I don't always get what I want.  If so I say this: What a stupid lesson! 

Maybe it's that I need to be patient until I understand what the answer is.  No!  I know what all the answers are already!  The problem is god isn't following the script that I've so carefully put together. 

Reminds me of listening to one of my brothers in recovery give some annoying spiel in a meeting and fuming about its content.  My lesson isn't contained in the words - my lesson is that I need to practice tolerance and patience and compassion.  My higher power delivers my lessons with some subtlety.

Maybe the lesson is that a roadblock in my path leads me down a different path.  Maybe a better one.  I don't change anything until I'm under duress.  Change is hard.  It's hard to change behavior.  

Sometimes I need a kick in the booty.

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