Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Girly Guy Vs. Guy Guy

Tolerant:  Tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something.

My sponsor continues his downward slide.  If you ask me I'll tell you that this is NOT what I signed up for.  I think more along the lines of good things - sunny mornings and fresh-baked cookies and kitty cats, that kind of stuff.  Death?  Not so much.  I still labor under the illusion that pain and suffering should be optional and No . . . I am NOT 5 years old.

would not say that tolerance for others is one of my strong suits.  Honestly, I don't knowhat any of my strong suits are.  I may not have any strong suits.  It may all be weak suits.  In fact, I laughed out loud when I read the definition of the word "tolerant."  Guffaw comes to mind as a qualifier.  If I had been drinking a glass of milk some would have come out of my nose.

There's a Program guy back in The Old City who was never one of my favorite people.  I wouldn't say that I actively dislike him just that he has certain attitudes about life that rub me the wrong way.  He's not a bad guy - he has plenty of friends but I don't really consider myself one of them.  More of a fellow traveler, a comrade-in-arms, someone I'd help but not hang out with.

Anyway, the dude is stopping by every day to visit my sponsor.  I wouldn't have expected this but isn't there something about expectations in our literature?  To wit: as my expectations increase so does my tendency to act like an ass-wipe?  I'm seeing the dude differently - he's making a hell of an effort.

There's Program guy here in Vacation City that I know casually but don't consider a close friend.  He's kind of a Guy Guy and I'm more of a Girly Guy so we don't meet in the middle too often - he's the kind of Guy who was always beating me up.  I was talking to my Vacation City sponsor yesterday about the death watch and he mentioned that this Guy Guy had also recently lost a long term sponsor to cancer.  At my meeting last night I had a nice talk with Guy Guy about this stuff.  It was a good talk.  Turns out he's OK.  I have learned some patience in my life, letting things come to me and evolve and clear up - I feel better about Guy Guy and I think it was a relationship that didn't have a chance to establish itself without such a common experience.

Could I maybe look for the good in someone instead of the bad?

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