Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Anonymous: Of unknown name; whose name is withheld. 

The topic this morning was anonymity.  I thought the group tore it up.  Anonymity is not an easy concept and it's made even harder by the fact that the room is full of complicated, opinionated people trying to make their voices heard over the voices of everyone else, which is kind of why we have the principle of anonymity.  We discussed personal anonymity, both our own and that of other members; anonymity on social media; anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, and the Internet; anonymity as it pertains to attraction rather than promotion; and, what I believe to be the most important component: anonymity as a tool to help us lose some of our total fascination with our own selves.  The quote is this: "This tradition is a constant and practical reminder that personal ambition has no place in The Fellowship."

I had to laugh as I tried to pay attention to other people as they talked, fighting back the urge to speak myself and set the record straight for everyone else in the room while reading a Tradition that tells me not to think I'm so important.  What a beautiful, complicated, infuriating, wonderful Program we have found.  I looked around and saw a handful of folks that I love like family; a bunch more that I get along with just fine; and a couple of people that drive me to distraction.

I need 'em all.

The Fellowship to me is like one of those controlled skyscraper demolitions where the building collapses straight down through some strategically placed high explosives.  Secretly, I think, we hope that the thing will topple sideways but they always go right down, like a slinky.  There's a lot of fire and noise and smoke, and there's usually some minor damage to surrounding structures, broken windows, car alarms going off, and the like, but basically it all goes off well.  The Rooms are like that to me - controlled chaos, straining to stay together, threatening to fly apart.

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