Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sullen Seaweed

Sullen:  Having a brooding, ill temper; sulky; gloomy; dismal; foreboding.

So my Vacation City relative - a lovely person - who drives me bonkers about 50% of the time is back in The Old City visiting my family - a group of delightful folks - who drive me absolutely bat-shit about 78% of the time and every one is getting along like they're family.  These folks are all kind of chatty, sentimental, up-beatish folks except when they're telling me I'm going to die from Ebola or a mountain lion is going to eat me or someone got mugged and died in the city I'm going to visit soon.  But they like to do the same things so they get along very well.  Instead, they get me some of the time - an introverted, mildly depressed, somewhat sullen outlier.  Is anyone surprised that the visits don't go that well when I'm involved.

Funny, that.  This is why I don't pretend, ever, that the problems exists anywhere but with me?

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