Tuesday, December 31, 2013


"Anxiety, like the most effective parasite, is indiscriminate in its choice of host.  It plagues the ignorant and dimwitted as well as the brilliant and clever.  But its message, of contingency, of risk, of skepticism, of flux: that is never dumb.  Anxiety's message can never be waved away.

And yet that - waving away - is precisely what the anxiety sufferer is always trying to do to anxiety's message.  Tortured as he is by the truth of uncertainty, he develops an adversarial relationship to that truth.  He loathes it.  He fights it.  He refuses it.  He wants it dead, silent, gone.  He wants it to end.

This is where the danger creeps in, for there is no surer way to compound anxiety's power than to reject it outright . . . hoping beyond reason for some panacea - the right job, the right partner, the right city, the right therapist, the right home, the right friend - to snap my constitution into stable order.  And I can tell you that the search is worse than useless.  Like the ropes that tighten around your wrists the more you struggle, the discomfort and confusion of anxiety deepen the more you try to elude them.  The harder you fight, the farther you fall."

I lifted this verbatim from a newspaper article.  It really resonated with me so that's that.

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