Monday, December 2, 2013

A Sour Stew

Secret:  Knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden.

That is a great definition.  I am hiding something and I mean to hide it.  The definition doesn't speak to the motivation for the secret, however.  I suspect in my case that's all for the best.  My motivations aren't top shelf.

"We're only as sick as our secrets" is a suggestion that resonates with me.  I am amazed at the power hidden things have to ruin my peace of mind.  I can take a small fact or an illusion or a hallucination, and let it marinate in the sour stew found inside my head until it becomes a monstrosity.  It usually feels great to let that stuff out.  

1 comment:

CatherineHP said...

Is the term "sour stew" found in our literature? If so, which book? I love to try to figure out the meanings of these old phrases. Thanks for your blog!