Monday, October 28, 2013

High Speed Dental Drills!

The dental work I had done recently involved the demolition of a major molar and the installation of a replacement.  I guess I could have passed on the replacement and left a big gap in my smile.  Might have looked kinda cool.  Probably would have been cheaper, too, but I have enough problems with my wife as it is.

Anyway, the new tooth felt weird.  There was a different feel relative to the surrounding teeth and my bite had changed and, frankly, the damn thing hurt for a while.  I did have a dude with a high speed dental drill excavate enamel awfully close to a whole lot of damp mucous membrane.  How could that not traumatize my mouth for a while?

The funny thing is that I had a sore tooth and I really did keep touching it with my tongue.  "Still hurts.  Wonder if I touch it again?  Still hurts.  OK, I waited 30 seconds, let's give it another try."  Ad infinitum.

I really enjoy  trying to make the worst of everything.

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