Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Entirely Ready

Entirely:  To the full or entire extent.
Ready:  Prepared for immediate action or use.

We read the Step today that contains the phrase "were entirely ready" for god to do something blah blah blah something or the other about removing defects or something like that.  I really don't know.  I don't have much of an attention span so I generally zone out after nine or ten words. I'm definitely a twitter generation kind of guy even though I've never used twitter.  That I'm aware of.

My lovely, lovely wife shares the story about the person who decides to go on a cruise.  This person is very excited.  She has always wanted to go on a cruise.

"Are you ready for your trip?" asks a friend.

"Yes!  Yes, I'm ready! enthuses the cruiser.

"Have you bought your tickets?  Do you have your passport?  Are you packed?" 

"No!  No, I haven't done any of that!" shouts cruiser girl.

This woman is ready.  She is not, however, entirely ready.

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