Sunday, May 12, 2013

Seaweed - Summer Up of Great Truths

The guy who brought up the topic yesterday had in mind a discussion about regret in a general sense - most active drunks squander money, opportunities to succeed in business and school, relationships, and pretty much everything else.  The crowd drifted toward the money and stuff part - often the first few people to talk set the tone for the meeting, and Stuff was on their minds.

I knew that the chairguy wasn't talking about Stuff specifically - in fact, after the mid-point break he emphasized this, which did nothing to stem the tide of all the willful alcoholics in the room.  After the meeting I approached him - as did SuperK - and we told him that we got what he was trying to say.  He was relieved.  He thought that he had kicked off a bad meeting, which I've been told by some don't exist.  He thanked us for talking to him.

"The thing is," I said.  "You didn't call on me.  THAT was the problem."
"I was working around the room, Seaweed," he said.  "I was trying to get to you . . . "
"You don't get to me," I interrupted, putting my arm around his shoulder.  "You start with me. I'm the headliner here.  Drunks come from miles around to hear my wisdom.  The only reason not to start with me is if you want a big finish, someone to sum it all up for everyone else."

I really did say that.  This guy is my friend so he laughed it off.  He knows about my bad sense of humor.  I didn't mean most of it although there's a little, teeny, tiny part of me that believes it to be fact.  

Well, not so teeny, tiny, unfortunately.

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