Thursday, May 16, 2013

E-Z Seaweed

Easy:  Requiring little skill or effort.

Easy Does It.  I believe that I guffawed out loud the first time I saw that on a clubhouse wall.  I am not, as a general rule, a practitioner of "easy."  I'm the guy who's trying to complicate something so that it boomerangs back around and blows up in my face.  I like it hard and painful and miserable.  I never pass up an opportunity to suffer.

In addition, I was offended that someone was trying to tell me - The Great Seaweed - how to do something.  Who are you, anyway?  A happy guy with a job and a house and a family and some money in the bank?  Besides those things, I thought, what do you have that I don't have?  I'm having fun and you're a tool of The Man.  Can you go home tonight and get drunk and stoned by yourself in front of the TV?  Maybe have some mac and cheese for dinner if I feel like getting around to eat?

Yeah, well.  I find that things go well for me if I move forward, with purpose, all the while trying to pay attention to obstacles that would indicate a stopping point.  Like those metal spikes that say: "Warning - Severe Tire Damage."  Those spikes aren't optional.  As a general rule anything that has "warning" associated with it or has metal spikes as a chief component is to be considered carefully.

A slogan that has been helpful to me is: "Wear the world like a loose garment."  I have to engage but I don't have to buy into everything.

And as a humorous side note, the Urban Dictionary defines easy as "A term used to describe a woman with the sexual morals of a man."

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