Monday, October 15, 2012

It Is What It Is

Contented:  Not desiring something more or different, satisfied.

The whole thing with contentment and discontentment and where I am on the continuum, I don't really fight it that much anymore.  That I'm prone to being discontent is kind of status quo for me, to be honest about it.  It's like the fact that I have legs - it's how it is.  I don't try to not have legs even if they're hurting me or are tired.  They're there and I gotta deal with it.

I believe that some of this can be attributed to my alcoholism - we don't seem to be a very satisfied group of people as a general rule.  My upbringing is surely involved.  And some I assume is hard-wired into my DNA.  Some of us humans have a huge GO button installed.  I have a prominent ON button located on my control panel - I can never find the OFF button; I look and look until I get so frustrated I smash the $#!! thing against the wall.

These tendencies make me conscientious and ethical.  They aren't bad as in scaaaaaaaary bad.  They are what they are.  I think I would have been one of those idiots on the Oregon Trail with my Conestoga wagon and butter churn, lighting out for the territory ahead and whatever adventures lay there.  Probably the Santa Fe trail, come to think of it.  I'd rather die of thirst than freeze to death.

I try not to fight this stuff today.  I try not to fight it all the time, anyway.

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