Sunday, May 6, 2012

Otherwisely Occupied

Preoccupied:  Occupied with or absorbed in one's thoughts; engrossed.

Unless we want to talk about my preoccupation with my body and physical well being.  This is another of my ancient riffs of pain and anguish and totally unfair treatment.

I know, I know, you're probably saying: "Little Stevie, how could such a magnificent, sexy beast like you be worried about your body?"

Much to my surprise I've found that as I grow older pieces and parts of my body aren't working as well as they used to.  This inevitable fact of nature -- that we all begin to break down and eventually die -- is a source of constant amazement to me.  I'm surprised every time I consider some routine ache.  I don't understand why it's happening, what I could have done to delay it indefinitely, and how to get rid of it so it never comes back.  I'm still under the impression that I can get out of here alive.

"No one here gets out alive."  Jim Morrison

I have had every possible disease known to man and several more that can't be found in any known medical journal or be supported by any available research.  They are unique to me.  Cancers are my specialty owing to their difficult diagnosis and ultimately fatal outcome, although I do have a minor in diseases of the eye that lead to loss of vision: "blindness" to those of you without medical degrees.  The normal sicknesses that afflict us all like the common cold, influenza, and Wellington's Ooze, quickly metastasize into various types of cancer before changing back into the original ordinary sickness, frustrating the attempts of health care professionals to properly diagnose the problem.

I have an old friend who is a physician.  Whenever I get particularly close to death I give him a call.  He listens for a minute and says: "You're not sick.  Call me when you get sick.  I'm busy goodbye."

"The alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn't think so."

"The Rules don't apply to me!"  Little Stevie Seaweed.

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