Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Drive to the Hoop

Drive:  In psychology, any of the basic impulses and urges.

I read this recently, very recently: “But today in well-matured people these distorted drives have been restored to something like their true purpose and direction.  We no longer strive to dominate or rule those about us in order to gain self-importance.  We no longer seek fame and honor in order to be praised.”

The primary definition of instinct is concerned with behavior that is pre-programmed into the human form: for food, for security, to satisfy the sex drive, to be someone in the company of our fellows.  In short,  an inborn tendency to behave in a way characteristic of a species.   The secondary definition implies that we all possess tendencies or talents that are learned or acquired.  The first definition gives me some wiggle room to behave like an ass; the secondary implies that I need to take ownership of my behavior.

It seems to me that our literature is packed with instructions on how to minimize my ego.  My friend EdRom said to me today: "When my ego comes into play then I get in trouble."  Something about trying to get things that he wants or some such shit.  I personally don't see that I spend any significant time trying to get things that I want although I can also see - possibly, maybe, to a tiny extent - some similarities in our behaviors.

I am continuing a full frontal assault on my impulses and urges for more more more and different different different.  I'm here - I look over there.  I want this - I get this - I want something else.  I'm the four year old sitting in a huge pile of toys whining to mom: "I'm BORED."

I  see the ego part of the Big Esses -- Sex, Security, Society - as the most insidious.  Sex and money are right up in your face and difficult to misinterpret; a desire to be the most important thing in the world, pampered and amused, is more difficult for me to get my arms around.

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