Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We were on hold with insurance company number one when I tried a little prayer experiment, which in my experience is sort of like trying a little gasoline and open fire experiment.  I asked for what I wanted -- to be accepted by this particular carrier.  It would have relieved me of some mental anguish.  I was careful to pay lip service to the Powers that Run the Universe by adding the qualifier "if it be your will, or wills, as the case may be."

I was only half-serious about this prayer befitting my status as someone renowned for half-assing everything, according to my dad, who is pretty much right on this one.  I'm not the kind of guy who thinks god finds me parking spaces or sends rain clouds packing if I want to take a walk, so I don't often pray for specific outcomes, which tend to blow up in my face if I get them.

I had a discussion with my mother once about praying specifically, which she happily does.
"It can't hurt to ask," she pointed out.

It can't hurt to ask.  What a great concept, I thought.  What if god really does listen to specific prayers and grant specific wishes?  Maybe not every specific wish, but some of them, anyway.  I imagine I would be quite pissed off if I found specific prayers were answered and I never bothered to take advantage of this loophole.  Although I'm unsure what would happen if I was praying for coverage and the person handling my account, close to a bonus for denying her one hundredth client, was praying for the exact opposite.

I told SuperK.
"Uh-oh," she said.


We then called insurance company number two.  This time I ratcheted things down somewhat and asked god to help me deal with this situation which was distressing me so much.

I mentioned this to SuperK, who grimaced.
"Uh-oh," she said.


Unfortunately, this proves nothing except that I need to get comfortable with a spiritual program and stick with it.

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