Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Financial Insecurity

Insecure: Not secure; specifically, a) not safe from danger. b)feeling more anxiety than seems warranted. c) not firm or dependable; unreliable.

Today seems to me to be a financial insecurity day.

Why not, I ask? Why not today?

I have a feeling in my bones that I'm going to run into big financial difficulties today. Don't ask me to provide any proof. Don't insinuate that I've been well provided for ever since I quit providing college educations and new cars for the local drug dealer and bar owner and Mr. Coors.

Please do not remind me that clean water, adequate food, and a warm place to sleep tonight are my only needs, strictly speaking. Everything else is A Want. And lest we forget, one of The Promises is that we shall lose our fear of financial insecurity.

Regrettably it doesn't specify that we won't have any financial insecurity. Boy, these rooms would be full if we could guarantee that.

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