Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I'm Not Going To Do That

Stubborn:  Refusing to move or to change one's opinion; obstinate; firmly resisting.

The topic at yesterday's meeting revolved around the wall of resistance that most of us throw up as soon as someone brings up the concept of . . . you know . . . maybe, just maybe . . . the drinking life is no longer agreeing with us.   We're pretty sure that there's a loophole that we're going to be able to exploit, a very clever loophole that's going to be able to allow us to quit drinking.  We really don't want to quit drinking.

The woman next to me shared an anecdote that mirrored my experience almost exactly.  I was fighting the not-drinking thing vigorously when some kind but frustrated man asked me how old I was.

"Twenty-nine," I said, confidently.  I knew the answer to this one.  It didn't seem to be a trick question.  I didn't see how it could lead me down a hallway without an exit.

"How are things working out for you?" was his devastating follow-up question.

I'm not sure I actually gave a verbal, audible reply to the follow-up question, although I'm sure my body language and facial expressions were pretty clear.  I bet my shoulders slumped.

"Maybe you could try something different for a while," he suggested.

This was brilliant but simple, reasonable without being offensive.

I have a tendency yet today to resist anything that doesn't agree exactly with my assessment of the situation.  Who knows better than me what to do?  Who?  This is, as you can imagine, not one of my more endearing qualities.  My wife, for instance, isn't thrilled that I argue with every fucking suggestion she has ever brought up, ever.

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