Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Best Defense Is A Big Offense

Offend: To hurt the feelings of; to displease; to make angry; to insult.  

I was going to deliver a blow by blow analysis of how badly I have been treated/am being treated/will be treated on my past/current/future trips back to visit my family.  Then, I thought: " Maybe I better read what may have already written about these outrages."  "Hmmm," I thought, after completing my review, "Here it is - you've already vented your spleen, in exhaustive detail, only yesterday, and you don't even remember doing it."

Lot of good this daily writing is doing me.

Today I was so offended by these outrages that I thought I'd fabricate a lie to simply make the trip go away - I missed my flight, there weren't any other flights that day, the cost of any flights there might be was so outrageous, etc. etc.  I was so offended that I was willing to eat the cost of the entire ticket to get out of the obligation of this trip.  However, SuperK and I have this exercise where, if one of us is planning to tell a little white lie/somewhat larger lie/great, big, ol' whopper to evade a little/some/a huge shitload of discomfort, then the other person says: "It's never worth the lie - come up with a solution that involves the truth."  I'm not saying the person on the receiving end of this bromide is happy about it but it's always good advice, in the long run.

I thought: "Maybe I should pick up the phone."  I spoke to my sponsor, who didn't think too much about the lying idea,  and we hashed out a pretty good solutions.  Then I spoke to LWSJ who said: "Why didn't you call someone and ask for some help?"  I think a lot of the time it's more fun/more vexing/more grandiose to take a small problem and make it big, keeping it to yourself, complicating it where possible, and then feel really, really offended by the whole matter.

More good solutions.  Ask for some help and you get some help.  What a concept.

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