Monday, August 6, 2012

More Irritating Things

Purpose:  The object for which something exists or is done; end in view.
Real:         Anything that actually exists or reality in general.

"Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to god and the people about us."

"Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time?  Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life?"

Let's take a closer look at some of the thoughts expressed in these passages from our literature.  Being smarter than the average bear - or at least no longer being the stupidest bear in the forest - I'm pretty sure that I can improve on most of the sentiments that our founders came up with.  I'm pretty clever that way, the knowing better than everyone else way.

To wit:  my real purpose is to manipulate the world and the people so that they are of maximum service to me.  This is in their best interests even though they don't know this.  That's a better plan.  That benefits me in a tangible way that I can appreciate.

Were we thinking of others most of the time?  Most of the time?  I think I've improved greatly, seeing as I no longer think about myself all of the time.  It's a special day indeed when I'm only thinking of myself most of the time.  Because this is a stupid question that would only waste my time and energy I'm going to skip ahead to the next irritating phrase.

Actually, I believe that I'm going to stop here.  I have a full day planned trying to get those around me to do a really excellent job of packing good things into the stream of my life.

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