Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pause When Agitated or Doubtful

Agitated:  Shaken; perturbed; excited.
Doubtful:  Strong uncertainty as to the probability, value, honesty, validity, etc. of something.

"Pause when agitated or doubtful."  I'm not sure that I have ever even heard the "doubtful" half of this familiar and incredibly powerful phrase that I have read dozens of times.  The agitated part I get - when I'm upset, especially when I'm angry-upset, then I know to keep my mouth shut, and I'm able to accomplish that superhuman feat at least some of the time.  I pause, not because this is natural for me, but because I'm aware that I usually make an ass out of myself when I speak or take an action when I'm upset.

But the doubtful part.  I should know better.  Good advice has been dropped on my head many times.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask my sponsor.
"What do you think you should do?" he replies, cleverly.
"I don't know," I say.
"Then don't do anything," he tells me.

It's good advice.  I'm always plunging recklessly into and through any problems or doubts that come my way.  It's easier for me to take a stupid step quickly than to wait until something seems right to me.

It's uncomfortable waiting.

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