Monday, November 21, 2011

Free Range Chicken

More from the minor Buddha . . . 

"The fact is that we are more selfish than we know.  The ego has a way of turning the loftiest activities into trash if it is allowed free range."

You've probably heard of free range chicken.  I'm certainly no farmer; in fact, I'm forbidden by law to step onto a farm, for my own safety.  And I'm not talking about bulls and bucking broncos, either.  I'm the guy who would make the news for being trampled half to death by a herd of lambs.  No telling what the chickens would do to me, either, with the beaks and claw-like feet.  

Anyway, my understanding is that free range chicken get to ramble anywhere they want to, doing what they want, eating what they want, going totally ape-shit if they want.  That's my ego.  My ego is going ape-shit.  It runs the show unless I'm very, very careful.  It justifies anything that it wants for itself, no matter how destructive it is.  This is why I drank for so many years.  My ego said it was just fine.

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