Friday, July 1, 2011

Vigorously Relaxed, Intensely

Intensity: Extreme degree of anything; great energy or vehemence of emotion, thought, or activity.

Yeah, that doesn't describe me.  It's amazing the intensity I bring to whatever I do.  I'm in or I'm out, and when I'm in people get out of my way because I am fucking IN.  I've always been this way.  I'm better than I used to be but I'm still Type A.  My belief is EVERYBODY in The Program is Type A, or trends that way.  I don't see too many calm, relaxed types in the rooms.

Relax: To become easier in manner; to become less tense or stern; to reduce, abate, slacken.

Yeah, that seriously doesn't describe me, and I'm not kidding this time.  The Elder Low used the phrase "vigorous" lately to characterize his upcoming plans.  I like the word.  It suggests a clean, aggressive approach to things.  Let's see what Webster's has to say:

Vigor: Active physical or mental force or strength; vitality; active or healthy growth.

I played basketball in high school.  I'm tall and I'm skinny, so I usually got paired up against guys who were shorter but outweighed me, often by a lot.  I didn't really care.  I played vigorously.  I got the shit beat out of me half the time; I ended up in the locker room after the game bruised and bloodied, but I gave it my best shot.  I don't think I dished out an equivalent amount of pain to my opponents but I gave it my best shot.

I don't play much basketball anymore.

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