Friday, July 29, 2011

Horseface Steve Has Got to GO

Stop: A stopping or being stopped; check; arrest; cessation; halt.
Go:    To move along; travel; proceed: as this car can go 90 miles per hour.

I really like that Mr. Webster chose 90 miles per hour as the appropriate speed for a car.  That guy must have been a drunk.  90 for god's sake?  Who goes 90 miles an hour in their car and where do they do it?  Why wouldn't he use 25 miles per hour in his example?  Something to ponder.   I also like the fact that "travel" is in the definition.  I like to travel so I appreciate anybody who promotes it.

Anyway, I have been pondering the huge size of my GO button again.   I'm all about the GO, and it's not always good GO, either.  I have a little too much 90 miles per hour in my GO.  I don't always consider walls and cliffs and pedestrians when I start to GO.  I GET to a lot of places but I'm not always sure I want to be where I end up being.

SuperK and I have come to an understanding about our forward progress as a couple.  I'm the GO button and she's more of the STOP button, and I don't mean that in a bad way for either of us.  She does a lot of GOING but generally chooses not to do any of the stupid GOING that I do.  I'm grateful that she has the good sense and wisdom to tell me to STOP sometimes, and I think she enjoys some of my eagerness to git along down the road.  We do a lot of stuff that she probably wouldn't end up doing, and we don't do a lot of stupid stuff that I'd get us into.

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