Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Quo Here, A Quo There

Status Quo: The existing state of affairs (at any specified time), or the existing condition (of anything specified).

Today I say: Go for it.

I realize that I've done a hell of a lot of bitching about all of the traumas involved with the Big Change I've made.  It's what I do well.  I bitch with the best of them.  I was in the Bitching Club in college and we placed 3rd in the Northeast USA Bitching Regionals.  Unfortunately, only the top two clubs got to go to the Nationals to compete for the Bitching Championships but it was still a pretty impressive accomplishment.

That being said, there is nothing like a jolt to the status quo to open my eyes to all of the wondrous things that life can offer.  If I don't take a risk then it's less likely that I'll get hurt or suffer a loss, but I also won't find any hidden treasures. 

I spent most of my life drinking and thinking, drinking and thinking, sitting in front of the TV, clicking through programs that I knew I wouldn't remember the next day.  It has been awfully easy to focus on the trauma of The Big Move and not all all of the potential.  Sometimes I think how easy it would have been to have just stayed in my old life.  I could be sitting in my old living room, comfortable in my established routines.  No shocks, no jolts, no upsets, no damage to the undercarriage of my ridiculously overpriced car.

A guy I have enjoyed getting to know at the new meetings I'm attending asked to exchange phone numbers yesterday. 

I felt like I was in high school, getting asked out on a date.

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