Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turnin'

Wow, what a week.  What an amazing thing to do, moving away from a place I have lived for 20 years.  The tearing away process has been painful and slow and surprising in so many ways.  It feels like each little step in the moving forward has taken a tiny bit of flesh and bone with it.  It is a huge breaking down and breaking apart.  There are a million embedded hooks that have to come out before I can move on.  I expected a lot of upset and have not been disappointed. 

I'm glad for The Program as I maneuver through this.  Still, it's disturbing as hell from time to time.  It's unsettling.  My stuff is in a truck somewhere, hurtling down a dark and snowy highway.  I'm taking leave of friends.  I'm taking leave of family.  I'm moving away from people who have been with me through all kinds of problems and joys and triumphs.

But there's the thrill of the new adventure ahead.  Got to keep my eyes on the new adventure.  This being in between places sucks.  In a hotel in an old place, not really here anymore but unable to start a new life.

New life:  I like the sound of that.

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